Power HD RX30 Glitch Buster Module Power Capacitor 10V

Price: $5.99
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Product Description:


RX30 10v 2200uf Size:25mm F12.7mm connector wire


Glitch Buster Power Capacitor-Plug this cap into an open channel in your receiver in order to quiet any glitching caused by interference. It works by increasing the resistance of the receiving channel to filter the high-freguency signal which generated by high torque servo, motor, etc. So as to quiet any glitching caused by interference. It also help to offer more stable power supply for the receiver, to solve the power shortages problem.


RX30 10v 2200uf
Size: 25mm D12.7mm
connector wire length: 60mm
Glitch Buster Power Capacitor - Plug this cap into an open channel in your receiver in order to quiet any glitching caused by interference.
It works by increasing the resistance of the receiving channel to filter the high-freguency signal which generated by high torque servo, motor, etc. So as to quiet any glitching caused by interference.
It also help to offer more stable power supply for the receiver, to solve the power shortages problem.

Item specifics:
Use: Vehicles & Remote Control Toys
Rc parts & accs: Radio Systems
For vehicle type: Airplanes
Technical parameters: Value 2
Material: Composite Material
Model number: RX30 Glitch Buster Power Capacitor
Size: 25*12.7 mm
Four-wheel drive attributes: Glitch Buster Power Capacitor
Remote control peripherals/devices: Glitch Buster Power Capacitor
Upgrade parts/accessories: Glitch Buster Power Capacitor

Tool supplies: Glitch Buster Power Capacitor


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